Pongrác Endes scholarship
The most outstanding students at the UD can be involved in education as unpaid undergraduate teaching assistants (UTAs). On a proposal by the Council of Students’ Research Society, the contract of employment is granted by the dean of the specific faculty of the UD in which the student works as a UTA. The UTA system aims to acknowledge hard-working and successful students participating in SRS work and teaching. In case of successful scientific work, active UTA work and outstanding academic achievement, the deans of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Denistry, and of the Faculty of Pharmacy may decide to grant the Pongrác Endes scholarship on the recommendation of the CSRS.
The Pongrác Endes scholarship and the position of unpaid UTA are granted at the beginning of each semester and valid exclusively in that single semester. The deadline for submitting applications cannot be before the end of the first week of education in the program starting the semester the latest (except final year medical training at the Faculty of Medicine, UD). Based on the ranking list, the CSRS offers unpaid UTA positions or refuses to grant a post.
Calls for application for the Pongrác Endes scholarship is announced by the dean of the Medical Faculty and in this effort (s)he may be joined by deans of other faculties involved in medical and health care education. Applications may be submitted by students who work as undergraduate teaching assistants in an educational unit of the faculties of Medical and Health Sciences at the UD. If a student cannot fulfill his / her teaching duties due to staying abroad or any other engagements, (s)he is obliged to resign from the scholarship in writing.
Pongrác Endes scholarship is disbursed at faculty level in the form of a grant. A student without an UTA status may also pursue a teaching activity by the decision of the head of a Teaching Organizational Unit (TOU); however, this may not be considered equivalent to a UTA status. The possible remuneration of this activity depends on the decision of the TOU where the student pursues a teaching activity.
Conditions to take the post of unpaid UTA:
1. at least 14 classes per semester
2. at least 4.0 average credit index (mean of the last two semesters). For sixth-year medical students the average of the two semesters in the fifth year has to be considered. In the case of first-year students in the master’s program, the averages of the last two semesters (including the bachelor course) have to be considered
Requirements of Pongrác Endes Scholarship
1. Employment as UTA in the given semester
2. Teaching a minimum of 1 semester previously as an unpaid UTA
Requirements of Pongrác Endes advanced scholarship
1. Employment as UTA in the given semester
2. At least 4.5, as the average grant index for employment as UTA
3. Receiving Pongrác Endes scholarship for at least one semester previously
4. A first-author presentation at a local SRS conference at the University of Debrecen, or a first author research essay submitted to and accepted by the Council of Students’ Research Society at the University of Debrecen.
The amount of the Pongrác Endes scholarship (in both categories) is determined by the current budgets of the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy, University of Debrecen. Its disbursement takes place at faculty level, in the current month, together with other student grants. The final decisions on both the number and amount of scholarships offered are made by the deans of respective faculties.
A student without an UTA status may also pursue a teaching activity by the decision of the head of a Teaching Organizational Unit (TOU); however, this may not be considered equivalent to a UTA status. The possible remuneration of this activity depends on the decision of the TOU where the student pursues a teaching activity.
The CSRS may have the contents of the applications checked by the Educational Office at the Dean’s Office of the FOM and then it will rank the applications in accordance with the requirements based on SRS and teaching activities.
Applications must be submitted using the electronic form available after logging on to e-learning (https://elearning.med.unideb.hu/course/view.php?id=3245), where you will also find technical information. The SRS advisors have to check the submitted proposals in the e-learning interface: (s)he can approve or comment on them, on the basis of which the student can correct his/her proposal (this is possible until the deadline for the student's deadline).