Zsolt Tikos teacher
+36 52 512 900 / 73914
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 1, 128 (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 456 358 / 11770
Katalin Tikos - Czere teacher
+36 52 512 900 / 73910
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 4, 423 (Informatics storage room)
+36 52 456 358 / 11770
Judit Titkó teacher (mathematics)

+36 52 518 670 / 73896
4029 Debrecen, Csengő utca 4.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “D” (Csengő utca), ground floor, D 36 (Teachers’ room)
Gabriella Tóthné Kőrösi teacher (French)

+36 52 518 670 / 73827
4029 Debrecen, Csengő utca 4.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “D” (Csengő utca), floor 1, D 112 (Teachers’ room)
Dr. Ágostonné Tóth teacher (mathematics)
+36 52 450 306 / 10
4014 Debrecen, Mezőgazdász utca 1.
Balásházy János Teacher Training Secondary School and Student Hostel, Main building, ground floor (Mathematics teachers’ room)
+36 52 418 042
Emese Tóth teacher, librarian

+36 52 518 670 / 73805, 73802
4029 Debrecen, Csengő utca 4.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “H” (Csengő utca), ground floor, H 16 (library)
Hajnalka Tóth teacher (Currently on Maternity leave)
+36 52 512 900 / 73914
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 1, 128 (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 456 358 / 11770
Tünde Irén Tóth teacher (developer teacher)
+36 52 512 700 / 73937
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School of the University of Debrecen, Arany János tér site (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 417 830
Krisztina Szilágyi teacher
+36 52 512 900 / 73914
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 1, 128 (Teachers’ room)
+36 52 456 358 / 11770
Enikő Tóth-Vilmánszki teacher
+36 52 518 616 / 73914
4024 Debrecen Kossuth utca 33
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 1, 128 (Teacher's room)
Alexandra Lilla Molnár teacher (English)

+36 52 518 670 / 73810, 73816
4029 Debrecen, Csengő utca 4.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “D” (Csengő utca), ground floor, D 17 (Teachers’ room)
Imre Attila Új teacher (history)

+36 52 518 670 / 73809
4029 Debrecen, Csengő utca 4.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, building “H” (Csengő utca), ground floor, H 12 (Teachers’ room)
Krisztina Vajdics teacher
+36 52 512 700 / 73936
4026 Debrecen, Arany János tér 1.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Arany János tér building (library)
Katalin Varga teacher
+36 52 512 900 / 73913
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building, floor 2, 224-226 (Sports teachers’ room)
+36 52 456 358 / 11770
Tamás Varga teacher
+36 52 518 616 / 73917
4024 Debrecen, Kossuth utca 33.
Kossuth Lajos Teacher Training Secondary Grammar School and Elementary School, Kossuth utca building