dr. Vivien Stercel pediatrician specialist

4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pediatrics Clinic
Gyöngyi Subecz infant and pediatric nurse

4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pediatrics Clinic, floor 1 (Patient admission Division - Department of Pulmonology)
Beatrix Sütő graduate nurse

4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pediatrics Clinic (study room)
Szabóné Dr. Melinda Sutka specialist

+36 52 255 603 / 56168
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Pediatrics Clinic, ground floor (specialty clinic)
Dr. Brigitta Szabóné Gulyás infant and pediatric nurse

Melinda Szabóné Pál patient attendant

+36 52 411 717 / 55395
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pediatrics Clinic, floor 1 (Premature infant intensive care department)
Szabóné Szabó Róza assistant
Mrs Szabóné Rita Szakácsi clinical neurophysiological assistant

4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pediatrics Clinic, floor 1 (Department of Internal Medicine)
Gréta Szabó infant and pediatric nurse

Ildikó Csilla Szabó pediatric ICU nurse

+36 52 411 717 / 55395
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pediatrics Clinic, floor 1 (Premature infant intensive care department)
Katalin Judit Szabó general assistant
+36 52 513 613 / 657
4026 Debrecen, Bethlen utca 11-17.
Outpatient Care Center (old building A of Bethlen clinic), ground floor, 14 (Paediatric Allergology specialty clinic)
dr. Levente Szabó specialist

+36 52 411 717 / 55352, 54519
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98.
Pediatrics Clinic - pavilion I, ground floor (Department of Surgery)
Tímea Szabó-Sándor general nurse

Dr. Klaudia Szabó-Tóth resident
4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98
Pediatrics Clinic
Dóra Szabó-Veres infant and pediatric nurse